Nothing but good clean fun in this one! Cleaning Simulator is a joy of a little game where you do exactly what is says on the tin: clean! But before I go further I feel like by this point I just have to show you this. (so cute!!!)

On entry, you are greeted by a computer monitor, where you can look at epic jpegs, listen to awesome midis, and even play around with a drawing program! One complaint though: the tiny text is hard to read on a smartphone device.

Trying to draw on mobile with my finger isn't exactly the easiest either.

Oh yeah, and you also can start the game. You can play alone, or with others, and I have to admit, I never tried the latter, but maybe sometime I will. You also get to choose what character you want to be, which if I'm correct is purely cosmetic, but of course I want to be a green lime guy with a grumpy face on him. Then you get into the game proper, starting out in your janitor shed, tasked with cleaning up every single mess you can find around the map! But how? You use your grabby hand to grab a tool of choice to use on the right type of mess. Fill up your spray bottle or water gun and get to work!

The controls are slightly unconventional, as you can move your right arm to grab things and move them around. To clean up a spill on the floor, your need to get your mop and then physically rub it back and forth against the spill until it's gone. You can only hold one thing at a time, because it seems your left arm is sadly useless. But it's not a big deal! You can also throw things, which helps move multiple items around. Lastly, if you think that the default walking speed is less than adequate, you can ROLL, because running is way out of style, especially when you're spherical like these guys.

Larry the Lime is a real mood right there.

The map has a number of interesting spots for you to explore, and it is also dotted with fun little characters to talk to. They have entertaining things to say and are done in a charming 2D style (more games should do this). Additionally theres a BIG number of items you can come across, some of which even make funny sounds. The most interesting type of item has to be the cassette tapes though. Bring one to the boombox in your shed, and you can jam to a catchy tune while you work. One small feature that perhaps doesn't have many uses and yet is appreciated by me anyway is the fact that you can look through the security camera at the front of the office building. 'Cuz who doesn't like to look at their silly little ingame avatar and maybe take a selfie - alone or with friends.

Why not strike a dramatic pose too?

This brings me to the focus of the game - the very tall BRIBBLECO™ office building. That's where you will find the majority of the mess to clean up. The very interesting thing about this place is that every time you play, the floors are randomized, aside from the first few. They're pretty darn varied too, I remember seeing a bowling alley, a hospital, a playground, some kind of restaurant, science lab, and MORE! You never know what you'll come across and in what order, which gives some replayability. The cleaning itself is quite simple and can perhaps get a bit repetitive, so the wacky floors give a lot of variety. One cool little feature I want to mention is how when you clean a spot, you get a sound effect and some yellow stars popping out - that's nice! But ALSO, if you clean everything in a given area, you get a more pronounced sound effect and rainbow stars, which is a great way to tell you that you're done in there! Eventually, if you manage to clean enough dirty spots, the gate high up in the building will open, and you'll be able to fight the final boss! Which is something I did not at all expect from this game, but I welcome it, since it's a fun and challenging fight. If you come out on top, you... literally can come out on top of the building, on it's very roof. There you can find some more cool things, and try to get that awesome dunk with a basketball. This is also the place where I made a tragic mistake.

This game has some fun achievements to get, which usually grant you new characters to play with. One night, I was going for the one where you need to stuff literally every single item into your shed, save for the tapes, as they have their own separate achievement. In the end I did manage to get all the items, a feat I'm proud of to this day. Getting all the tapes though... that didn't go the way I wanted it to. See, on the roof there lied a few tapes, one of them was All Star by Smash Mouth, and I was so excited to give it a listen. I carelessly threw everything I found up there to the area below, before jumping down myself and retrieving the items to chuck them into the shed. Everything was going great, until I noticed that I couldn't find All Star anywhere!! I was desperately searching for it all over, but with no results. It was just gone. I still have no idea what had happened to it. After an hour or so of looking around, I gave up, to maybe try again another day. But hey, at least I got the harder thing done. And I'll forever be able to appreciate probably the best song of them all:

i like pitsa