Work at a Pizza Place by Dued1
26.03.2023Working at a pizza restaurant made into a series of fun little tasks! This is another very popular game on Roblox, which came out all the way back in 2009, has been nominated at the Bloxy Awards, and even won "Best Mobile game" in 2017. Wowie! Oh, yeah, there's also merch. Very nice.

When you go in, you get put in front of the restaurant and are presented with the choice of occupation, and they include everyone that's needed to run the place. Cashier, cook, boxer, delivery, supplier and even a manager. No janitors or anyone like that though, because we don't need hygiene in our establishment. You can even become a rat if you want to (gamepass required)! Going into more detail about the jobs, each one has its own uniform, which is neat, and you can freely change between them whenever you wish. By looking at the player list, you can see who is doing what, and choose to fill in gaps in the pizza making process, or everyone can be a cook and overpopulate the kitchen.

Anyway, starting from the beginning, we have the cashier position, which speaks for itself. You talk to the customers that come up to the counter and take their order by pressing the right button on the register, sending it off to the kitchen. It's not a hard task, considering that there are only 4 items on the menu, one of which is just a can of some kind of drink. Imagine coming to a pizza restaurant and ordering only a can of Sprite. There's also a drive-thru window! Then you have the cooks who assemble and bake the pizzas. It's all done by clicking and dragging, so it's not difficult to do, but is pretty fun nonetheless when you have orders coming in constantly and you're trying your best to not burn any pizzas. In case of fire, you fortunately have an extinguisher at your disposal. Just remember to put it back. Next, the pizza boxer, and there's no funnier feeling than going into that room and seeing pizzas piled up on the conveyor, just begging to be put into boxes and out of their misery. More clicking and dragging and sending them into the next room, and hopefully you've caught up with the pizza stream. Speaking of that next room, that's where the packed pizzas and unpacked drinks go to be picked up by the delivery players, and taken to the customers. If you're working as the delivery guy, you can pick up as many orders as you want, and then pick your vehicle of choice at the parking lot, which is either a scooter, or a car. That is, if the other players didn't abandon them all in random places around the island. On foot is fine too. In any case, you have to take the labeled orders to the right houses, to finally complete the whole process!
But wait! That's not all the jobs! There's still one that I've probably spend the most time playing as, and one I spent the least playing as. The first one being: supplier! Theres something really fun to me in driving this huge truck to the supply building, packing it full of the color coded boxes of ingredients and pizza packaging (because yes, all that can run out), and then taking them back to the restaurant for them to be sucked up by the chute and distributed to the right rooms. Back and forth. Vroom! And lastly, the manager position, which frankly, to me, is the most boring in this whole game. There can only be one at a time, and they can get votekicked by other players. As a manager, you can move other players to the positions you want, keeping balance between them, give out bonuses, or make someone the employee of the day. That's basically it. I resigned very quickly. But hey! Maybe some people enjoy that.
Now, what's the point of all this work? Well, you get paid! For doing your job, you get "moneyz" that then you can spend on little things your character can use, get a pet, and furnish your house! Check out my barely decorated home:

There's quite a few things for you to choose from at the shop, and you can set them up in your space however you wish. You can also expand your humble abode if you can afford it. Onto a few last things that are in the game that I didn't really interact with much are the dump (which I've only read about on the wiki of the game) and the party island where you can go and just hang out with other players, which is cool. To touch a little more on the pet aspect, those little orbs are adorable. I like how you can buy them little hats and make them whatever color you want. They can sit on your shoulder or your head, you can hold them in your hand, feed them, and more! It's a very cute little addition that doesn't get in the way or feel forcefully tacked on.
All in all, fun little game. Go make some pizza. You can also try Pizza Tower, that's a great game too.
Listen to the anthem of pizza while you're at it.
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